
Getting Off Gas

Cooking is the heart and soul of every Asian family. As a community that values unity and harmony, We use food to connect with our family and friends.

Making traditional meals from our culture in particular not only brings back memories of our country of origin, but also acts to preserve our rich cultural heritage and legacy for future generations.

In many Asian countries, cooking with gas has been part of our modern tradition and culture. However, in present times, we now know that cooking with gas is not only expensive, but also bad for our health and the planet. Thankfully induction cooktops have been found to be even better substitute for gas stoves.


Any concerns of induction cooktops not being good enough for traditional Asian cooking can be laid to rest, as the heat (“wok hei’) from induction cooktops is as good, if not better, than gas cooktops.

While it may seem daunting to change from gas to electric cooking, the benefits of making the switch is enormous; from lower running costs to better health for our families whilst safeguarding the environment for our children and future generations.

As we continue to preserve our rich cultural heritage by making traditional food passed down from generations past, we can be mindful of the impact of our actions by making these dishes using tools that will not harm our children’s future.

Switch away from gas. For the benefit of our family and community.

How to go off the gas stove?

You can get further information at below link: